Östling Marking Systems GmbH
Broßhauserstr. 27
http://www.ostling.com http://www.ostling.com
+49 212 26960-332
2D DataMatrix Code is the most used type of two-dimensional barcodes for permanent direct part marking and Identification in industrial Productions The perfect supplement to our marking systems. Directly applied 2D codes are read out with the help of handheld scanners as well as via fixed camera systems. Not only lasered but also needle-embossed and electrolytically generated DataMatrix codes are securely recognised, even in the most difficult industrial environments. The information density per surface can be considerably increased in comparison to one-dimensional barcodes (1D code) with the two-dimensional DataMatrix Code (2D-Code). Increasingly stricter legislation in the field of product liability have an increasing number of product recalls as a result (the so-called Traceability). Especially the automotive, aerospace and electronics industries are affected beside some other industries. Your product components receive a clear identity by using Data Matrix markings. A significant increase in transparency within the production process is a result of that. The information is encoded as a pattern of points in a square or rectangular area with the 2D code. The code contains redundant (multiply existing) data, so that, for example, the Reed-Solomon error correction (ECC 200) can be used to automatically correct up to 25% of the errors in the individual elements (e.g. if parts of the code overlap or were destroyed).